Telehealth solutions have become more popular as the pandemic has taken over the world.
Thanks to these services, you have the ability to meet with a doctor or specialist in the safety and comfort of your own home. Besides why these services have become more popular, what do you know about them? Is there more to them than just having an appointment with your provider?
To learn about what Telehealth solutions are and the benefits of this form of care, continue reading.
What Is Telehealth?
Telehealth is a way your doctor is able to see you without an in-person appointment. The way this form of care is done is through technology and the internet.
While this form of care is not at all new, the pandemic has caused it to be used more than ever before. You can meet with your doctor in a live video chat, send messages, and even use certain devices to monitor you while you are home.
For the live video chats, some popular apps and programs used include FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and more.
You can use Telehealth solutions for various reasons:
- Counseling and Telehealth therapy
- Covid-19
- Going over test results
- Testing kits
- Monitoring certain aspects of health from home
- Urgent care illnesses such as colds or stomach aches
There are many more reasons you can use these services. Thanks to this technology, a specialist can use different Telehealth solutions such as Teleradiology, which focuses on x-rays, MRIs, and more.
Benefits of Telehealth Solutions
Technology has made so many tasks easier, and Telehealth is one form of technology that has done so. There are numerous benefits to using these Telehealth services.
Avoid COVID-19 Exposure
The main reason these services have become more popular is because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
While many people are vaccinated, close contact exposure is still possible. Close contact is when you are exposed to an individual within 6 feet for 15 minutes. Avoiding this close contact can be difficult in some public spaces, including a doctor’s office or hospital.
Telehealth gives people the opportunity to still meet with their providers, avoiding the risk of possible exposure. This keeps patients safe, as well as limits any anxiety people experience when it comes to the pandemic.
Easier Access to Healthcare
Some people may have to drive a far distance for something as simple as a follow-up appointment or urgent care needs. Others may not have transportation at the time they need it.
With Telehealth, people can avoid long drives and the risk of missing an appointment.
This allows them to still get the care they need without having to worry about how they will get there or how much it may cost to get there.
Also, finding certain specialists can be difficult because they usually are more spread out and harder to get to when it comes to distance. Telehealth can easily give you the opportunity to meet with the specialist you need. No more having to drive an hour to meet with your specialist.
Shorter and Comfortable Waiting Times
Waiting for your appointment can be time-consuming, especially if the office you are seeing your doctor in is crowded.
Using Telehealth helps you avoid having to arrive for an appointment early and waiting in the waiting room. You simply just wait in the comfort of your own home.
Because you can save time by not having to arrive anywhere by a certain time, your waiting time is shorter. The waiting times are shorter due to the providers being able to focus specifically on Telehealth. They will be less distracted, making your waiting time not as long as it would be in person.
Save Money
Traveling back and forth from doctors and specialist costs you money. Between the co-pay, tests, medications, and gas you need to get to the office, it adds up.
Telehealth allows you to save money. You can avoid spending money on gas that you usually would going to your appointment in person.
Variety of Telehealth Services and Devices
While telemedicine gives you the opportunity to meet with a doctor virtually, Telehealth offers more services.
Earlier, uses for Telehealth were briefly mentioned, but now it is time to get into more detail about the different services.
Your doctor can give you devices such as a heart monitor that you can use at home. This gives you the chance to be in the comfort of your own home and your doctor still can monitor you.
You can receive any mental health care you need without having to leave your home. Many people have anxiety due to the pandemic, and being able to stay home and still receive help can improve their well-being better.
You can have testing kits sent to your home. This gives you the privacy to complete these tests and avoid any potential shame or exposure to COVID-19.
Telehealth solutions can be used to have a medical professional look at results from various kinds of tests such as an ECG or MRI.
Take Advantage of Telehealth Solutions
Now, that you have a good understanding of Telehealth solutions, it is time to consider getting in contact with Specialist Direct.
Here at Specialist Direct, our goal is to help you get in contact with astounding specialists that are here to help you.
We offer the following Telehealth solutions:
- Telecardiology
- Telepathology
- Teleradiology
Contact us if you are interested or have any questions regarding Telehealth solutions with us.