Laura J. Aguiar
Advisor, Transplant Operations
Ms. Aguiar has worked in transplant since 1993 and has previously held the positions of Transplant Financial Coordinator, Financial Administrator, Operations Manager, and Compliance Coordinator for Massachusetts General Hospital , Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston), and Mayo Clinic Arizona . She is a founder of, and served two terms as President, of the Transplant Financial Coordinators Association. She has also served as Regional Representative to the UNOS/OPTN Transplant Administrators, Communications, and Finance Committees as well as having been asked to join the Advisory Council for the National Living Donor Assistance Center in 2008.
Ms. Aguiar’s consulting career began when Bill Vaughan asked her to join Health Systems Concepts in 2008. In 2014 Ms. Aguiar and Ms. Wolfe formed Transplant Solutions, LLC. During her consulting career, she has helped to establish 4 new transplant hospitals as well as worked with a number of programs to ensure their compliance with the CMS Conditions of Participation and improve their financial and operational process’ to ensure long-term viability.